Lemongrass Grill is in the Murray Hill neighborhood where we are staying.
I had the Choo Chee Curry with beef last night. It was maybe just a smidge over the line into too spicy, being spicy to the point where you are a little distracted from the flavor. The flavor, though was great. The beef was not good quality.
Pat had the Cashew King with chicken. That was okay.
I have discovered a threat to the plan to try a new restaurant for every meal: leftovers. Not only am I too cheap to discard leftovers, but I love them. I look forward to them all morning when I have them for lunch.
Another threat may be getting fat, and that winter layer's not going away by itself, but I had to postpone my plan to start running again because of the rain today.
I did walk around Chelsea, the first neighborhood I explored. The northern and western bits are pretty grim, very construction-heavy with some interesting-looking galleries tucked in here and there. But there are some more residential blocks in the middle and 22nd or 23rd street was pleasantly bustling. I didn't get any further south than that. It was raining so it was not the best day to be trying to decide if you like a place.