Tuesday, October 11, 2011

SouthWest NY, 2 World Financial Center, Manhattan

Pat and I still haven't exhausted our supply of Foodie Registry gift certificates that we reaped when we got hitched, and now's the time to use them, before an infant makes dining out more of a circus (or, indeed, altogether inadvisable or impractical. Not really sure what to expect.). So a couple weeks ago I phoned Pat at work at the end of the day and informed him that not only had I changed out of my pajamas into real clothes (hey, I'm unemployed, remember? You secretly wish you could spend all day in your PJs if you want!), but I also did not feel like puking, so we should sieze the day and go out for dinner.

We went to SouthWest NY, in Battery Park City. This certificate was courtesy of my college roommate Sarah and her husband Chuck. It is right by Pat's office, and we sat outside next to the harbor on the Hudson and had a very pleasant time. My SWNY sliders were surprisingly good - basically one big ol' patty in a perfect soft bun, cut into four pieces, a little spicy, with some crispy onion thingies. Delicious.

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