Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bagelry, 1324 Lexington Ave., Manhattan

You already know how I feel about bagels: I like them, and I'm not picky. Since arriving in New York I have happily consumed many a bagel and been wowed only once. I was not wowed by my toasted sesame bagel with lox spread at Bagelry, on the Upper East Side, and you know what? That's okay. It was nice enough.

I had nothing urgent to do today so I just walked down Lexington for a spell, and in the park a little bit, and savored being back in New York after a trip away for two weeks. The weather was perfect. The people passing by were wildly varied and frequently cliches (the tough-looking kids with the thick New York accents; the teensy old lady dressed to the nines; the slutty-looking girl walking her poodle and complaining to someone on her phone). It is heaven to have free time to enjoy the people-watching. I am so lucky.

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