Saturday, September 24, 2011

2 West Restaurant, 2 West St., Manhattan

Pat has dinner occasionally with a consultant with whom he works, Dan, and Dan was kind enough to invite me to join them this week. 2 West is in the Ritz-Carlton where Dan stays in Battery Park City. I have run and walked past this Ritz-Carlton a million times, and never realized it was a hotel. This struck me as interesting at the time, although as I think about it now, it seems sort of irrelevant, since who do I know who can afford to stay in the Ritz, even when they're traveling on their company's dime? Maybe someday I'll run in those circles!

I had a good lobster bisque, but was less pleased by my entree, which was salmon with caramelized red onions and roasted fingerling potatoes. The salmon needed something to cut its richness, but the onions and potatoes weren't really appealing. I put the leftover salmon and onions in wrap the next day with spinach and cream cheese, however, and it was nice.

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